Time Attendance systems
What are Al Maalim international Company services in this industry?
Time attendance systems are among the most important elements that must be available in every process system, to maintain the effectiveness of its work system. Perhaps the main function of these systems, as their name indicates, is to record employee attendance to assist the human resources department in accomplishing many tasks such as evaluation, training plans, and often salaries and wages.
With so many types of time attendance systems available, it is essential to select the one that best suits your business. Therefore, in this article, we will talk about time attendance systems and their importance, and we will present the services of Al Maalim International Company in this industry.
What are the time attendance systems?
The term time attendance systems (TNA) refers to a system that tracks when employees start and stop work. It enables the senior management to organize the work and control the quality of attendance, by accurately monitoring the employees’ working hours, as well as late arrival or early departure, time taken on breaks and even absenteeism.
On the other hand, companies can use employee data to track the performance of their employees. This document becomes critical since a disciplined human resource will have a significant impact on your company’s success.
The importance of time & attendance systems
There are several reasons that encourage employers to activate time attendance systems in workplaces. We summarize it for you in the following points.
1. Keep track of employee attendance
The major reason for adopting the time and attendance system is, of course, to monitor the attendance and departure of staff. Companies can observe how frequently their employees are coming late, leave early, or work longer than the normal working hour.
2. Obtain data in an easy and integrated manner
This system helps companies to record employee data correctly. Time attendance systems also assist the human resources department in determining the number of absent workers, and thus determining the components of employee performance appraisal in the work system.
3. Achieve justice among employees
It is essential that an employee who is punctual and gets the job performed well is treated differently from a careless or negligent person. In order to facilitate tracking of this process, the establishments activate the time attendance systems.
Types of employee time & attendance systems
There are two main types of time attendance systems, which are traditional or manual systems and modern digital systems. Here is a deep insight about each of the two types.
• Traditional time attendance systems
This method requires the employee to register his data himself. He must write down the time in the attendance book. It usually has their name, time of arrival, and signature too. Or each employee can have their own attendance card.
• Digital time attendance systems
Digital systems have been utilized widely in many organizations since they are considered safe and difficult to sabotage. The following are several types of digital attendance system to suit all types of businesses. Such as:
- The most prominent form of digital time attendance systems is fingerprint attendance, As the name implies, it is an attendance system that requires employees’ fingerprints to clock in and out. The strength of this system is that it is not easy to manipulate.
- The face recognition system, which is more complicated than the fingerprint system. as it identifies a person through the geometric measures of the human face. It is smoother and easier, as it does not require stopping or contacting.
- The time and attendance system is a PIN-based system, where each employee will have their own password. It can be in the form of numbers or letters. You just need to input your password to record your presence to the system.
- The company’s website-based system requires each employee to have access to the website to log in their presence. The process takes place after entering the personal username and password and clock in.
- Magnetic or smart cards are carried by employees, and registration is carried out by swiping the card onto the machine. After that, your attendance data will be automatically stored in the system.
Principles for selecting the right time and attendance system
There are several principles that must be considered when selecting the best time and attendance system for your business system. They are the following:
- Data safety
Employee attendance is part of a company’s sensitive data. Typically, this data has been combined with personal information and employee salaries. As a result, it is critical to select an attendance system that is assured to be secure and not easily accessed by anybody’s data unless authorized.
- Accessibility
When it comes to time attendance systems, be sure to activate a system that is easy to use and access, as this system is used by all individuals without exception.
- Available budget
Time attendance systems need to allocate an appropriate budget, in order to perform the tasks required of them to the fullest. So, make sure the system you choose fits your budget and meets your needs.
The basic features of the time and attendance system at Al Maalim International Company
At Al Maalim International Company, we provide our clients with the best time attendance systems that help them get their work performed efficiently.
Support the hierarchical organization of the facility
- Ease of defining and introducing the company’s organizational structure
- Unlimited support from the administrative levels with the possibility of giving a special name to each administrative level at the client (departments – colleges – sections – sub sections – units)
- Unlimited number of main and sub-branches and sections
- Support different organizational structures according to the establishment’s branches
Advanced and fast processing of attendance movements
- High speed in processing attendance movements.
- Support several mechanisms to process attendance movements according to the facility’s requirements.
- Deal with cases of interruption of processing for any external reasons.
- View the daily attendance records directly and clarify the employees’ attendance status in real time
- Comprehensive detailed results on employee attendance
Multiple attendance shifts
- Support for customized shift options such as overtime shift (optional), overnight shift, etc.
- Support the exchange of shifts between employees
- Support unstyle shifts such as shifts in health sectors and others.
- Support for several types of shifts:
- Regular Shift
- Flexible Shift
- Hourly Shift
- Rotation shift
- Overnight Shift
- Unstyle shift
Customized Notifications & Alerts system
- A customized tool for sending alerts and notifications
- Alert employees in case of non-attendance, delay, or gaps in attendance
- Send notifications to managers of requests from their employees
- Send notifications to employees of approvals
- Send messages by SMS and email
Support Employee Services
- The employee’s submission of (leave, permission, work assignment, overtime work) requests
- Review the daily and overtime attendance details
- Review the official and digital statistics of the monthly attendance
- Review the attendance gaps and submit their permission requests
- Follow up on the status of requests and leave balances
Support integration with other systems
- Link with other systems such as, HR, payroll
- Deal with types of databases such as, oracle, MSSQL
- Support for multiple data types and mechanisms for reading such as, link, web service
- Control setting the time to read and update data from other systems
App for smart devices
- The manager’s review of the clock in details of the employees of his departments and their current attendance status
- The manager’s approval on the requests of the employees of the departments affiliated to him
- The manager sends a request to locate the employees using GIS technology
- Use the mobile fingerprint in the process of entering the application and positioning
- The employee’s review of the details of his attendance and submission of leave requests and permissions
Support for inspection tours
- The possibility of carrying out an inspection tour at any time during the working period
- Send sudden attendance requests via SMS
- The option to automatically add a clock out movement for the employee in case he is absent
- View the details of the results of the inspection tour
High flexibility in controlling system settings
- Control the movement and auto-attendance processing options
- Multiple options for calculating overtime
- Options for adopting approval levels
- Control the management of receiving alerts and notifications
- Customized processing to carry out repetitive procedures
- Multiple options for scheduling reports
Comprehensive security protection features
- Encrypt passwords, permissions, instructions, and database access information
- Record system logins and details of basic data operations
- Provide a detailed and comprehensive permissions system on data, screens and reports
- Change tracking logging on basic information such as modifying passwords
Advanced and detailed reports
- Over 60 comprehensive reports for most customer needs
- Schedule reports to be sent automatically to departments
- Support for exporting reports in different formats
- An integrated editor to edit reports and control the format and design of the report with ease of work
- Dashboard for reading aggregate data and statistics that contributes to polling managers on the state of time and attendance through a quick look
Support attendance for managers through their mini logger desktop
- Enable the manager of attendance via a special USB attendance device
- Integration of the system with desktop fingerprint devices
- Control the activation of this feature for users
Support for dealing with the main server active directory
- The ability to log in via active directory
- Flexibility of login using user data from the system
- Ease of linking and defining active directory accounts for users and employees
Easy-to-use professional interfaces
- Support for multiple browsers
- Support working on different sizes of screens
- Runs on the latest HTML 5 technology
- Support AJAX
General specifications
- The system is bilingual Arabic / English, and the choice is at the user level
- Provide support for displaying the Hijri date according to Umm Al-Qura calendar
- The whole system is produced by the company’s programming team

Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us and follow our services and products through the website and social media accounts.