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Smart Plastic Cards – Professional Card Printing Studio

Remote or Smart plastic cards

In this type of studio, we provide a plastic card printer with a custom security packaging unit, professional custom photo camera, scanner, printing inks, cleaning kits, and user manual, like in the standard studio.

In addition, we offer a range of professional technologies to complete the printing of smart cards of all kinds. They are the following:

Smart or remote plastic cards

Through the professional integrated studio (compact), it is possible to issue direct or contactless smart plastic cards.

Smart card encoders

Smart card encoding is important for smart cards because it provides them with more security and privacy. Therefore, in the professional integrated studio, we provide smart card encoders, whether inside the printer so that the encoding process takes place within the process of issuing the card, or encoders outside the printer, for high security when issuing these cards.

Custom Logo Printed Security Packaging

It is necessary for smart plastic cards to be neatly packaged, so that all key information and codes be clear to the reader, while this card is protected from external factors by packaging.

In conclusion, the existence of an integrated studio, in both its standard and professional forms, complements the process of issuing smart cards of various types. Thus, regarding the equipment and professional staff that we provide at Al Maalim International Company, do not hesitate to contact us, so that we can be part of completing your work with high professionalism and safety.

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